2. fingerprinting of each person who is tested Otherwise, why wouldnt they produce it! On Dec 22, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine I'll make this one a little shorter than the last. Herman said they would report the allegations in Illinois to federal authorities. Danny got out of the truck, we said Hello and he began to sign the consent for DNA testing. Lorraine, since you believe that Brandy worked there years ago and I knew her and you also believe that I was looking for a reason to get rid of Linda and I eventually married Brandy coupled together with your quote to me below, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you could have been referring toand I think you did. certainly Jim Gilley would not have signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury, declaring that 3ABN had given This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. When one demands a large sum of money like that, naturally there would be few who could or would put up that amount of money, and take all the time that I took in hammering out a DNA testing agreement and traveling to Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens. In 1984, the Holy Spirit impressed Danny to "build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels' messages" of Revelation 14. . Danny Shelton Siblings Net Worth, Is He Married To Yvonne Lewis? 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. Why did you come up with such a conclusion? Please re-read my e-mail. the PDF of the courthouse noted If truth is on your side, you don't have worry about how many sides there are. the Others in top positions in the SDA denomination have said, 3ABN represents the Adventist church, and Danny represents 3ABN, so we must support Danny Shelton. But I ask, Even if he is wrong? Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11:01 PM 3ABN Christmas Special - Three Angels Broadcasting Network View Yvonne Lewis' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Most people would just walk away, not wanting to get involved. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. In addition, I was not allowed to videotape or even take a still picture of Trinity Murray, something the DNA testing laboratory requires. So, it was obvious that I worked with Brandy at 3 ABN long before 2004. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. She told me that he would negotiate a settlement for her but he wanted 15% commission. 3abn danny shelton net worthproperty management without a license in texas aot 4, 2022 12:34 . In addition, I was not allowed to take fingerprints of Trinity nor of Danny or Brandy. I have no idea if that child was Trinity Murray. You took her word for it. There are still major questions left unanswered about this DNA testing episode, in addition to the even bigger question as to WHY a husband - Danny Shelton - who claimed to love his wife, Linda, would falsely accused her of both spiritual adultery (whatever that is) and physical adultery, would destroy her reputation publicly, would have her fired from her job of 18 years, would tell her within about 4 weeks of his first false accusation against her that he wanted her out of his house, would divorce her in a Quickie Guam divorce less than 3 months after his first false accusation against her, and order 3ABN employees to remove Lindas name from every television program, every document, and every other nook and cranny at 3ABN within one month of the time she was fired and divorced by Danny? No I never met Brandy so I could not have fathered her child since I had not laid eyes on her for well over 20 years. 3ABN Today - Get to knowYvonne Lewis and Jason Bradley (TDY16003) Lookup by program series/episodes of 3abn programs for download and viewing. 4. If he says it, it must be accepted as truth and never questioned. Or if you have decided that I could not have worked with her, why do you care so much? In addition, if a large sum of money exchanges hands over an agreement (in this case an agreement for DNA testing) and fraud is ever detected in the transaction (such as presenting the wrong child for testing a ringer child), it could possibly be a much more serious charge - a felony - than if no money exchanged hands. purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on My working with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999 places Brandy in the West Frankfort area at the time she became pregnant. In psychiatric terms, that is called projection. Her friends called her "Vonnie". She said she couldnt figure out why he began behaving as he had and she was devastated by the divorce and the loss of her job at 3ABN. (See below from Google search). But after only a few weeks of trying to follow the Health Plan, she said she wanted to go back to her old ways of eating, and she did not want to drink the fresh home-made vegetable juice. The suit accuses 3ABN of negligence, claiming leaders were aware of the threat Shelton posed to children. the He said it was when a wife had given her heart to another man. "3ABN does not believe that the claims against it have any merit," the statement said. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, and the Rev. It seems you won't admit to mistakes so maybe Linda lied to you, but even then it is still a mistake. She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. The evidence to support this last statement will be revealed in due time. The 3ABN network is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. So, Walter Thompson and all you other Board members, tell me and tell the world WHY did you fire Linda Shelton from her position as Vice President of 3ABN? Even then, Danny e-mailed me claiming that I still would not show up. do you know how ridicules that is. What did she get for her 11-12 hour work-days for almost 20 years, her donations of her CD royalties to 3ABN, Lindas repeated giving of her weekends for years and years to travel for 3ABN after working long hours all week, and her allegiance and total dedication to the network for almost twenty years? It was not a secret to her. That is all processed food that is forbidden on the Health Plan and highly likely to contain MSG which is very harmful to any sick patient, particularly someone with cancer. that according to their records, 3ABN was still the owner, not Danny. I have a copy of Thompson's letter to Linda in which she was notified that she was fired. At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. Youre stalling. He held to that demand for many weeks. The child was never allowed to sit up in the back seat of the truck where she could be seen. Nor was she allowed to stand on the ground when she was brought out of the truck for 30 seconds so I could swab the inside of her mouth. So Linda Shelton was thrown to the wolves. I found the website that had the forty AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accredited DNA testing centers and picked one that was quite close to where I live. Priscilla, only somebody with something to hide go to those lengths to keep somebody quiet. I have no axe to grind. I'll tell you what I'll do. All siblings of the same two parents obviously get their DNA from the same two parents. 3ABN - Three Angels Broadcasting Network Its your job to expose it not to cover it up! On Dec 23, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, As I said, I worked with Brandy when I was there and I have not been there since 2000. And why did Trinity not say a single word? Yet, Lindas right to speak has been quashed suppressed - repeatedly by forced Silence Agreements purposely obtained by Danny Shelton and his attorneys. And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. . In response, the network has sued the group for defamation of character and trademark infringement. As I have stated below, I worked with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999 when I was there doing some television spots for 3ABN. I will swear that before God. For you to develop such a close relationship with another woman in just two months after you had divorced your wife in a Quickie Guam divorce - so close that YOU (not your secretary or someone else at 3 ABN - but YOU, personally) were calling around to find housing for Brandy and her daughters seems rather hard to believe. The petite dancer was just five feet tall and weighed less than 100 pounds. I reminded her that ALL beans are forbidden on the Health Plan while a person is getting well from cancer or any other life-threatening disease. Danny Shelton and I agreed that we would not post the results until both sets of results were received and both sets of results matched. All of you Board Members threw her out like a piece of trash and allowed every memory of her to be erased as though she never even existed. He falsely accused Linda of the sin of which he is guilty. It was only after Danny told Linda, I want you out of my house that Linda realized Danny was actually planning to divorce her. As to the other charges about this woman, I later learned from Linda in 2008 that, according to her, she had not given her heart to any other man while she was married to Danny and she did love Danny, and very much wanted to remain married to him at that time. Danny Shelton Steps Down as 3ABN President - Spectrum Around September 2007, when Danny Shelton stepped down from being the visible president of 3ABN, some reported that the 3ABN Board had gifted 40 acres of land to Danny. And your endorsement of such a travesty is shameful. I didn't make any accusations against you at all. The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since Then she was cast in The Century Girl produced by Florenz Ziegfeld. Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant. ". (Unless, of course, it was not Trinity that was to be tested.) Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:51 AM Why would you DO such a thing? In fact it was just the opposite. The couple's love journey dates back to December 2012 and today the rest is history. (Apparently she and her family had come to 3ABN to sing when Brandy and her siblings were children.). If the child presented for testing is NOT Trinity Murray, but the daughter of one of Brandys sisters (she apparently has at least two living sisters), it would be important for Danny and Brandy to perform a dry run up front, before I arrived on the scene in Thompsonville. Here's what's wrong with your deceiving yourself. them to cease and desist from providing trust instruments to Join Danny Shelton and Yvonne Lewis-Shelton for an enlightening interview with Seventh-day Adventist World Church president Elder Ted Wilson and his wife Nancy. Only much later did I realize that Danny was actually talking about his own marriage and Linda - and not about a couple he was counseling. But important in that conversation was that Danny had told me that the woman he was counseling had NOT committed physical adultery. Why? To: Danny Shelton they separated or divorced. And innuendo and false accusations are not adequate to classify as proof. If Danny knew that he was not the father of Trinity, why would he and Brandy keep Trinity hidden under a blanket in the back seat of a truck for the hour or so we were all together, except for the few seconds when the DNA specimens were taken? Greg Morikone has recently been named the networks new president as Danny Shelton, its founder, has decided to step away from that role. The divorce occurred on 10/07/99. The board acted upon Danny desire. I know youre not coming because you know that I am not the father of Trinity. He repeated this litany so many times that I became fatigued with it. It appears that if someone does not believe as you would like them to believe, that you just keep saying the same thing over and over and over again - in hopes that the person will decide that you must be right. The test results show that Danny Shelton is not the father of the child who was tested, presumably (but not confirmed to be) Trinity Murray. This child looked and acted about 6 years old. I had to tell the laboratories that the ones being tested refused to provide the information. The IRS states that in order for a parent to claim a child as a deduction on his or her income tax, the child must have a Social Security number. _Subject: Re: Genetic Profiles follow up question. At the age of fifteen she ran away from home to join the chorus of When Dreams Come True. 5. Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. (Her other daughters name is Jody, who is probably named after Brandys twin sister - now deceased). I will do that when I receive the test results from both DNA testing laboratories. 3ABN - Three Angels Broadcasting Network He ended the affair when he became the Mayor of New York City in 1926. Personal Testimony John Lomacang - 3ABN Store He said, No.. Danny Shelton is married to his longtime love, Maria Tamara Mariano, better known as Mara.