Some have atrocious recall, Tex & Pat falling into that category. That is how I was able to write a 1200 page encyclopedia on Manson, etc. He also knew Charles Manson. According to Bugliosi, p. 85, the time was between 7:30 and 8:00. Some people have a fairly good memory recall; of the death troupe, Susan & Linda seemed to. I mean, to this day, you will find many people parroting it as fact and creating all kinds of mysteries as a result. ONeill interviewed Hatami who said that Bugliosi knew Reeve very wellHow would Hatami, who met Bugliosi only a couple of times, and on official business {ID photos, trial} know who Bugliosi knew, well or otherwise ?Hatami also told ONeill that he first heard about the murders from Reeve. [He said] to was impossible that hed move into the Cielo house in January 1969, for one simple reason: he gone to prison then. He also knew Charles Manson. Reeve Whitson of Ireland and James Webber of England shake hands on the 18th hole at the end of their singles match on the final day of the Boys Home. CHAOS Question : r/TrueAnon - Reddit A little known fact is that Reeve Whitson was involved in the push to make a street legal version of the GT40, otherwise known as the Mark III GT40. A lot of people who were involved in this event are dead now, some won't talk and others have spoken of what they know. I can't imagine Candace Bergen allowing that.But that's just me.. Katie I remember reading that Moorehouse molested his daughters, he is the worst kind of person. Review: CHAOS - Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the It's not like the Moorehouse affair which is plain wrong. Who is he again ? There are a number of people mentioned, for example in that first Tate police report, many of whom were involved in the investigation whom we never hear of again. Their successors are illegal domestic NOCs at video game and social media suppliers, and APA handlers. Now Manson is a "secret agent"? He was a big talker and might have been a bit of Colonel Flagg type, but there is no doubt he had a lot of connections.How Whitson got so close to Bugliosi is strange and helped put pressure on Hatami. Chapters are as followed: Prologue The Crime of the Century An Aura of Danger The Golden Penetrators The Holes in Helter Skelter Amnesia at the L.A. County Sheriff's Office Who Was Reeve Whitson? I can honestly say, I'm very glad I never found out.And as Manson being a musician & singer? More on Reeve Whitson - Zodiac Killer Identified Thank you, Bunkhouse. grimtraveller,It's not a problem for me for you to be Skeptical of me.If you're not interested what I tweet on Twitter about The Charles Manson Family & Saga, again, no problem for me.Thanks for your replies back to me.Mario George Nitrini 111-------The OJ Simpson Case. pg201"Reeve was my main person to help me," PJ Tate said. According to author Tom O'Neill, Hatami first shared his Charlie encounter story with possible CIA agent Reeve Whitson. Has anyone considered the possibility that Whitson was working for Peter Folger (Abigails Dad)?We know Mr. Folger was having Abigail watched by private detectives because he was very worried about her "associations." You give a certain impression that actually is not so. Multiple people told O'Neill that Whitson was an intelligence agent infiltrating Manson's group as well as the entire Laurel Canyon milieu. That clears things up. And then there was the investigation he helped Col. Tate conduct. He befriended me and he was definitely a man with a violent past, and I suspect a rather dangerous past. I've been researching the activities of an old friend's father back in the Laurel Canyon days. This program was headed by Gerald Shur of the DOJ. They weren't there particularly long and so people trying to weave the "someone rearranged the scene afterwards" line of thought is onto a loser if they try to utilize the memories of the killers and how they left the scene. The purpose behind the plot was to incite terror among white people and put the blame on black radicals. His daughter is a Bluebird survivor and her memories are returning in fractured pieces. My desire is to share info about Whitson and my friend's father to discover the alias her father was using back then. He is mentioned several times in the papers and documents of Robert B. Anderson, who was Eisenhower's Deputy Secretary of Defense and then his Treasury Secretary. Mr. O'Neil proposes that Charlie may have been used as a pawn to catch bigger fish, this theory alone really makes this story much bigger. This cannot be correct. It belonged to them. There was no reason to send him back.until there was.Anybody on parole would be arrested immediately and sent back to prisonClearly that is not true. starviego saidI am now thinking those items were planted at the scene to subtly demonize the victims and to enable police to go off on their sham 'drug burn' diversion.I agree. Reeve Whitson Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images And that was after he'd already been mentioned by VB.He said it was Reeve who brought him to Bugliosi during the investigationVery interesting the way you put that. There is more to his background, but I skip to Aug. 9, 1969. 2.2K 327 EntertainmentNo1123 5 days ago He is asked why he did not revoke Manson's probation earlier and he explains why. He got a call from Reeve Whitson at 7:00 in the morning, a full NINETY minutes before Winifred Chapman arrived at the Cielo houseAnd he didn't report this to the Police ? Yeah, look I can see Whitson as a very bit player in the whole saga but as some Matt Damon Bourne Supremacy operative, not while the grass is green and the sky is blue. I can't believe people are trashing O'Neill's book. Little Paul ?If I come across as harsh, I don't mean to. What does that prove ? He absolutely did not. And besides, eventually, his officer did begin steps to revoke and when he did, it was for things that could actually be proven and made to stick. left. LOL. He got a call from Reeve Whitson at 7:00 in the morning, a full NINETY minutes before Winifred Chapman arrived at the Cielo house. Oddly, he frequently took his daughter with him on these flights. Not now, however. @TY > No offence, but you just come across as someone with an ability to write in capital letters and spout opinions that reveal nothing more than an anti~Bugliosi bias but no actual substance to back up whatever your opinions may be. Newly unearthed audio of Manson admitting he was part of a special "Federal Protection Program" when he was released from Terminal Island in March 1967 proves Tom O'Neill's contention there was a hands off policy towards Manson prior to the TLB killings. In my research into a close friend's father (Elwood "Red" Franklin Williams) that was active in the Laurel Canyon activities back then, I found much of Red's info matched the info on Whitson. And even then I might not look at it for 5 years. He's mentioned in the trial, and was known to have worked with Paul Tate post murders. Anderson was a known handler of CIA operatives after he left government in the early 60s. The Manson Family was certainly involved, but they were not the only ones. Reeve Whitson was a major player in the Laurel Canyon scene. He was driving a VW van. Ruth Wilson recently opened up more about why she left The Affair and claimed that she didn't feel safe on set. C'mon Grim, you know betterThe big reveal was that Danny DeCarlo "ratted out" the Manson crew which was against the biker code.But that has been public knowledge since September 1970.And no, I don't know better. I hardly think she was looking at furnishings in the house when Tex "sic'd her" on the residents. Shahrokh Hatami, Tate's personal photographer, admits to O'Neill that he learned of the murders by telephone, from an intelligence agent named Reeve Whitson, ninety minutes before the police were even called to the scene. A search of shows that he grew up in Kendallville, Indiana, got married to Mary Worch of Santa Monica on Jan. 7, 1952, and that his father worked in the circus. Or better yet, he's like "The Flash". Has anyone ever heard of it?Yes, excerps were in the book by Alyssa Statman and Bree Tate. That's not in any doubt. Brenda ? I've always been a massive skeptic- ironically I'm a huge fan of Bugliosi's Reclaiming History. According to Sanders, p. 197, Hurst came between 6:30 and 7:00. It's a strange coincidence. saidI think it's fair to say that a career criminal with high recidivism like Manson would have had stringent parole conditionsNot if you take into account 2 things > a] the things Manson had actually gone to jail for in the 50s and b] It was the authorities that paroled him. They were estranged at the time and that was the only way for him to track her. He got a call from Reeve Whitson at 7:00 in the morning, a full NINETY minutes before Winifred Chapman arrived at the Cielo houseYou do realize that if this is true, that Hatami witheld crucial information from the Police, went on the stand and testified in a trial and basically stood by while someone was tried and sentenced to death and now is happy for all the world to know this !However, I am not disputing O'Neill's sources. When I think of those kinds of things, I actually start to get scared. It does seem that his place in the scheme of things is being ramped up in the absence of anything new and groundbreaking. ONeal's lousy, undocumented conspiracy book? He was living with all kinds of people because he didn't want to work and earn a living. According to Sanders, p. 197, Hurst delivered the bicycle between 6:30 and 7:00. I can imagine him being scared shitless, looking out of a window, realizing something VERY bad was going down, and just shutting down. I'd be willing to buy it if you ever put just a amateurish copy of it together, at 1200 pgs it sounds like you've got alot of content in it, what would make it EXTRA special is if it was indexed, so often I've found myself looking for info on a specific person, date, place, incident, quote, etc and then having to Wade through a million google entries that go nowhere and in the case of some of the minutia of the case not being able to find anything at all on it, Also by "amateurish" I don't mean the content of it but the presentation, I'm not looking for anything put together by a professional publishing company or anything. But it was in those early days of '69 that it began to assume a definite shape and that the rest of the Family began to understand and assimilate it {well, as much as they did understand and assimilate it}. As anybody who has been within shouting distance of me over the past 2 years know, I consider Tom O'Neill's CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, the Secret Histor. I've been reading a lot of British footballers autobiographies over the last 18 months and it never ceases to amaze me how people aren't even aware of the dates of certain events in their own lives or the results of matches they are commenting on. Well (1) the flag was there and (2) I don't know why that's a point of conjecture and (3) I've still never heard of Reeve Whitson. According to Statman's book (I think that's where I read it), Doris told Sharon to get rid of that flag because if Paul Tate saw it he'd hit the roof. Ridgway is another scumbag who will never adequately pay for his crimes, that is unless he gets tied to some murders here in Portland. IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT YOURE A POSER. He was a close friend of Sharon and Jay, and thus the presence of the other hippies at the front door would not have aroused suspicion. Whitson could have gone into the house after Manson and his partner left, perhaps to perform necessary but mundane tasks such as removing bugs from the telephone and/or other places before the police arrived. Because the CIA wanted to make the hippie movement look bad in the public eye. At the same time he was befriending CIA agent Reeve Whitson, Manson was also meeting with Charles Winans, an operative from Naval Intelligence. ", Another one of Ed Sanders mysterious names with stories too interesting to be true, animal sacrifices, human sacrifices, porn movies filmed of the family at some Malibu mansion, Susan drinking blood and pooping on stairwells, Charlie biting through umbilical cord, blah, blah, blah, The Family is more a work of fiction than Lord of the Rings. "pg193Whitson's wife, Ellen Josefson: "He was working for the CIA""He(Whitson) said that his mother and Sharon Tate's mother were close" she said.pg196Linda Ruby, cousin to Whitson: "He(Whitson's father) knew that Reeve had planned to visit the Cielo house the night before"pg199FBI agent Roger "Frenchie" LaJeunesse: "Reeve Whitson was a part of putting the book together, the linchpin between all of us. Maybe he was there during Sharon's lunch with friends but nobody saw him because he moved too fast. I have the trial transcripts and Rudi Altobelli confirms the dates of who moved in and out and when and who was in the main and guest houses between Melcher's departure and the Polanskis arrival. This is from the Twilight Zone! This will always be among the alternatives greatest weakness ~ plus the sheer number allied with the non existence of hard corroborative evidence. But you can get some meaty details right here. The Reeve Whitson character is intriguing, and I just don't know what to make of Sharon Tate's father. Virtually all of the info I've dug up about Whitson parallels what my friend remembers with the exception of Whitson's family ties. Lol who knows and also I stand corrected it was a VW microbus Manson traded it for, Regarding Moorehouse living at Cielo I never thought there was anything to it then I was listening to a recorded interview with Tom O'Neill who wrote the Chaos book, he said Altobelli told him that Melcher did let Moorehouse live at Cielo off and on during the summer of 1968, apparently this was one of the things O Neill asked Bugliosi in one of their many interviews for the book, O Neill said he started finding so many inconsistencies between that Bugs said publicly and what Melcher told him privately that Vince got so paranoid that he started threatening Tom about putting the things he heard from Melcher in the book. I actually have been checking in most days since May. 8. William Garretson claimed that on the afternoon of August 8 while hitchhiking back to Cielo, some guy dressed as a hippie, picked him up. Of the 9 people you mention, one of them says Whitson was there. He said it was Reeve who brought him to Bugliosi during the investigation. Mario George Nitrini 111 saidnice to see you're in top form being skeptical about me..lolI am, if nothing else, consistent on that !In all seriousness though, the dictionary definition of sceptical is "not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. He also shared this with Paul Fitzgerald who told him he already knew this.But it's not true. I knew this long before O'Neill's book came out. Reeve Whitson? I did not mean the 'scene' of the crime, rather the general milieu around crime scene before and afterI wondered about that but it works either way. We know that Moorehouse was convicted in 1991 of "lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14." We don't the degree of his involvement or guilt. Other than Gregg Jacobson and Stephanie Schram's sister, virtually no one outside the Family {or close contacts like Juan Flynn} has a pre~August '69 concept of HS. It's such a huge book with such a plethora of facts and information that one can semi-overlook things that don't make a material difference to the case. I've never heard of this Reeve guy in my life, and I've been studying this case for years. "I don't know. Did you have a police officer contact him, or did you contact him by phone?MR MUSICH: I object to the question as immaterial, your Honor, how he got thereQ:Just foundatiorial, your HonorA: I learned about the existence of Mr. Hatami from Rudy Altobelli, and at that time I contacted the LAPD and I told them to find Hatami and bring him to my office. Whenever I went over to Sharon's and I'd see the flag there, I'd tell her it wasn't right. He was connected with Nazis, top US Gov. He was also connected with WW II Nazis, especially Skorzeny, construction, the Mafia bosses Trafficante, Giancana, Ruby, he was an ace pilot, flew weapons and people into and out of Cuba, Central and South America. They could have played a part ranging from major to minor.We know that Reeve Whitson was an investigator of some sort. One of the girls actually tried his door knob. It's almost inevitable, however, even if only in a small way but I get wary eventually, if I find myself saying the same thing again and again.Incidentally, big thanks to you for mentioning the "Inside the Manson jury" book by Herman Tubick. California Deaths, 1940 - 1997. You ought to get a hold of the trial testimony of his parole/probation officer, Samuel Barrett. Whitson had worked in Central America during the late 50s, close to the Folger Company's offices (Ecuador?). "That was Sharon. What's very interesting to me is why was Charlie, a career criminal ON PAROLE, repeatedly released when arrested with drugs, prostituting young girls, possession of stolen property, speeding and leaving the state. The Tate-LaBianca Homicide Research Blog: Reeve Whitson PDF Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties William Alexander " Rip " Robertson Jr. (August 3, 1920 - December 1, 1970) [1] was a Central Intelligence Agency Case Officer in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970. According to Bugliosi, p. 85, the time was between 7:30 and 8:00. He was a very dark player. He was very, very helpful. William Weston said"Why did he not warn his friends Roman, Sharon and Jay? A:Right, there was ro reporterThe most immediate thing to notice is that Hatami only mentions Whitson once and even then, only because he's asked who he came to Bugliosi's office with. I'm robust. In the Sanders book that I have it says Hearst delivered the bike between 6.30 and 7.30 which, according to Hearst is accurate as he testified arriving "about 7.00pm" and left "about 7.20. View the profiles of people named Reeve Whitson on Facebook. In spite of his disclaimer to Rosenfelt, I think he was part of the plot to kill them and subsequently got involved in the subsequent cover-up of the role of the CIA and military intelligence in the murders. He was friends with Jay Sebring and Polanski was a buddy of his, and the Beach Boys--and he met Manson through all this. Whitson though is mentioned in literature on the web as being at least associated with the CIA. Paul H. Does anyone have any additional info on Reeve Whitson? The FBI files tell a clear . There is a lot more here that doesn't add up. TJ ? Ha,ha Ms Katie.Maybe for you "life just gets more better and more clearer"but for me?.NEVERMINDlolMario George Nitrini 111-----The OJ Simpson Case. Folger, a former air intel officer in WWII, still kept close ties to the government. The flag was put on the couch after she and her co-murderers left, where it would be seen by Winifred in the morning. O'Neill's information on Whitson provides strong support for the proposition that military and intelligence agencies were involved in the Tate LaBianca murders, bringing the CIAs Phoenix program of assassination and torture of Vietnamese non-combatants home to America. Charles Manson Case - Who Was Reeve Whitson? - YouTube Others seperately said Whitson was CIA. I read Chaos, but came to a very different conclusion. And it just lingers in cyberspace and in time, becomes accepted as some kind of unshakable truth. Delivering arms, drugs, people, children were his usual business. She didn't go along with it, but she felt it might hurt them if she took it away. But SMOOOCH to you!!!! Reeve Whitsons father knew his son was going to the Cielo house the night of August 8. The Manson Family Blog - Tate LaBianca Murders - TLB - True Crime From RFK Jr's instagram post on Wednesday's death of Thane Eugene Cesar, prime suspect in his dad's 1968 murder:The LAPD unit (SUS) that investigated my dads assassination was run by active CIA operatives. 139 0 obj <>stream He's interesting because he's made up or at least his story is, it's a figment of someone's imagination, I laughed just as hard at this as I did at David Berkowitzs claim of his neighbors dog telling him to kill lol. He began the process around the start of Oct '69, a couple of weeks before Manson was arrested at Barker Ranch {for something unrelated}. Grim said,The most immediate thing to notice is that Hatami only mentions Whitson once and even then, only because he's asked who he came to Bugliosi's office with. Virtually all of the info I've dug up about Whitson parallels what my friend remembers with the exception of Whitson's family ties. I'm almost endlessly fascinated by the number of people who seem to have made it their life's mission to discount the overwhelming evidence that demonstrates that for the most part, things were as they were shown to be. He GAVE his daughter to Manson. Did CIA use LSD to create Charles Manson's madness? It's a matter of public record, I've seen the court documents but I don't remember where, I think those were the same charges Dean and Tex borrowed Melchers car to drive to court for. That's one of the reasons that there is so much wrong info out there on this subject and why so many ridiculous theories abound and so much importance is placed on anything that appears to be new and vital.So, with all that in mind, just where would information pertaining to Dean Moorehouse molesting his daughters have come from ? ZLR 694 belonged to Sharon's Camaro. She was probably 3 sheets to the wind at the time. Or Sonny Reevwhit.Or Reevie Sonwhit. Robert Linkletter and Reeve Whitson - ProBoards Now, you'll know from past exchanges that I don't take what you have to say with any seriousness, not because I'm disinterested in what you say, but because you continually dangle but don't deliver. LOL. I wouldn't base any findings on what she says. She'd nod and say she knew, but that Gibby and Voityck thought it was very funny. Reeve Whitson, Jolly West, Sidney Gottlieb. CAROL!!! Robertson was born in Manard, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, on August 3, 1920 [2] and attended Vanderbilt University before and after the war. I've got several comments to make but right now I'm dealing with some personal crap. He mentioned him once. It should have been MPK 308. If he worked for Bugliosi I don't remember his name being mentioned in his book, unless it was just a sentence and I've forgotten it.BTW, Hatami took many pics of Sharon at Cielo Drive. Her story has changed more than once. Chapter 11 - Mind Control; Chapter 10 - The Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic; Chapter 9 - Manson's Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card; Chapter 8 - The Lawyer Swap; Chapter 7 - Neutralizing the Left; Chapter 6 - Who Was . Study the case properly, arm yourself with information that is there and you will see why he was not sent back to prison. Even Sharon Tate's father, Paul Tate, was a former Colonel in Military Intelligence and conducted his own investigation. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Reeve Whitson. Eventually he did begin the process of revoking Manson's status. That said, in some cases it's understandable.In the case of Bugliosi's book, the errors regarding the Hearst bike delivery times and the Parent/Sharon car registrations aren't ones that I regard as serious. %PDF-1.7 % June 2020 - Zodiac Killer Identified