- Examining the Pros and Cons, Mind on Mental Health (Podcast), has an engaging host and knowledgeable speakers on MH topics, Understanding and Coping with Mood Swings, 14 Character Traits that are Essential for Sustaining Internal Motivation, Decreasing the Negative & Increasing the Positive - (Love the Good, Hate the Bad), Dissecting the Heart - Enhanced internal motivation building, Flammable Areas - Early stage insight and motivation building, From the Heart- VIDEO LINK: From the Heart, READ - Getting Started - (What Do I Do? What warning label should be displayed when you are angry? This is not an opportunity to brag about behaviors that would be considered dangerous, aggressive illegal or anti-social, I put ketchup on my hot dogs and my steak even though most of society frowns upon that, Most people work out in the morning but I dont start my exercise routine until about 10:00 at night", Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 1, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 3, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 4, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 5, https://randomwordgenerator.com/question.php. Taking the Escalator needs you - Click here to see how you can support - (It won't cost you a cent), Finally a New Way to Combat the Opioid Epidemic, Alternative Counseling & Recovery Coaching Tools. to work in small groups. There is also a large selection of TREATMENT PLANNING material on this page too. ", For this brief group exercise, everyone in the group should share at least one positive life achievement that has exceeded past expectations. READ - Topping OutWorse than Hitting Bottom? If not how can you increase your time in nature? 2 - What is one thing you can say that you are "great" at? Download Free PDF Download Free PDF The Mirror of Awareness - Using the Group as a Mirror This is a straightforward group activity for building insight. New group therapy activity - - Taking the Escalator | Facebook What skills will you use to COPE? Global Elevator & Escalator Market 2023 - Yahoo Finance The invention of the escalator was, literally, ground-breaking. What warning label should have come with your current (or most recent) relationship partner? You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. PsychCreatives | Taking the Escalator: Comprehensive SUD Resource Taking the Escalator Are You Just Doing Time, or Viewing Time Wisely? Even when troubling things happen in the news we need to keep moving forward in our own lives. Who do you invite and what is the topic of discussion, https://icebreakerideas.com/stupid-questions-to-ask/. What is one thing that you prefer to take your time with and why? PDF Challenging Thoughts Worksheet - University of Washington Unlike the Group Activities by Topic page, the materials here are for shorter discussions, warm- ups and close outs as part of longer group sessions, as well as occasional articles and other resources from around the web Relapse prevention triggers: Beyond people, places and things Discuss the following points as a group, keeping in mind that it is important to respect others views and opinions rather than argue. Just about everyone has at least one historical event that interests them. Its strange in life the things we can get accustomed too if we are exposed to a situation long enough. Brief introduction for use of Taking the Escalator group activity "Drop the Rocks" available on Taking the Escalator website or through this direct link: htt. Nikki's story is engaging and motivating and this video can be used as group therapy tool as your clients will surely be inspired by her story, Additional Submissions by Taking the Escalator, Cross Addiction - Education and exercise on substituting addictive behaviors, How High was I..How Low did I Go? When you are not in this group, if you need to process this further: Where can you get more SUPPORT? What are your three instructions for your life replacement, What is one thing in this world that you wish there. You can submit it here. Coping Skills Collection (Over 100 pages of worksheets) from, Detaching from Emotional Pain (Grounding), Children, Funerals and a Pandemic - A Toolkit for Children and Families, Daily Self Care Questions During Times of Isolation, Mental Health Wellness Tips During Quarantine, NJSACC Virtual Afterschool Resource Guide, The Mission Criminal Justice Participant Workbook, When All Else Fails: The Costanza Principle, Depression Common Unhelpful and Helpful Thoughts Tool, CCI Eating Disorder and Body Dysmorphia Collection, CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training), The Pendulum - Examining Common Family Issues, Click here to see the above outline "Strategy List for Families" via Facebook Live video, Constructive Family Communication Patterns, GETTING CANDID: FRAMING THE CONVERSATION AROUND YOUTH SUBSTANCE USE PREVENTION-, Tips for Recovering Parents Wishing to Break Intergenerational Cycles of Addiction, 23 Emotions People Feel but Can't Explain, Feelings List - One Page PDF with Body Sensations, The Foundation of F.O.R.G.I.V.E.N.E.S.S. Taking Escalator (@TakingEscalator) | Twitter April 29, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. This is a brief group assessment and discussion on current family functioning. Crediting Yourself . 5 Ways To Practice Self Care in Addiction Recovery > As an icebreaker discuss the following three points: Directions: Discuss this question as an icebreaker: Imagine a fantasy scenario where someone else is going to take your place in life for one month. 8/27/22 - What Doesnt Kill You Makes You Stronger. Self Esteem II - More self esteem, continued Self Esteem Boost: Building Self Esteem and Increasing a Sense of Self Worth, Self Value - (Submitted by Lesley Sanfilippo, LCSW), Self Esteem and Affirmation Development - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), Self Awareness - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), The Truth about Self Esteem - An in depth look at Self Esteem from a realistic perspective, Associations - Honestly considering how your choice of associations affect you, The "Cushion" Concept for Managing Setbacks, FOMO -How to Identify, Prevent and Overcome the Fear of Missing Out, Getting Over the Hump - An activity for those who have been at this a long time, Holiday Survival Plan - Planning ahead to get through any holiday without setbacks or relapse -, Plan to Avoid Relapse - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), Stability and Setback Prevention Checklist, Staying the Course Toward Success Know the SIGNS, Triggered: A Discussion on Coping with Mental Health and Substance Use, UNG- Unnecessary Grief - Thinking and planning ahead to avoid trouble later, Weekend Plan - A basic planning tool for surviving weekends, Spirituality (Moved to "Meaning and Purpose"), Coping with Stress - A comprehensive list of effective coping skills, Killer Bs The Effects of Stress and the Body, Brain and Behavior, Stress PowerPoint Slides- CLICK HERE FOR ACTUAL POWERPOINT VERSION, Melissa Mackolin on her Journey to Recovery - Podcast, Nicole Tierney: A Story of Recovery and Hope, Megan Reeves: Hold on Pain Ends - (With discussion questions), (For additional information on Trauma see the Escalator Trauma Resource Page), Unforeseen Circumstances: Adapt or Collapse, It's Easy to Be Honest When You Have Nothing to Lie About, Lifeboat Activity - Lifeboat exercises are nothing new but this one has had good success, VIDEO LINK -VALUES - WHAT'S IMPORTANT - (Corresponds to the above worksheet), Additional VETERANS collection from around the web, Taking the Escalator YouTube Page - Videos for group therapy, The Brain and Addiction Behavior with Dr. Erin Zerbo, MD, Coping with Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World, Life Story Video - LB HEARS Episode 1 - Nikki Tierney - (Click to view), Not Okay? How can you specifically apply this in your own life in a positive way? Everyone write down a "Positive Prediction" about something that will happen in the session today. takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources, Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health, Thank You for Visiting Taking the Escalator, Make sure you are fully utilizing all of the free resources on Taking the Escalator. Help Needed! You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. This would be something that you may have never imagined you would do, but you have now done (Positive answers only). Accountability Self-Examination Worksheet, This is Your Brain on Drugs(Fried Egg not Included). Powerlessness and Willpower - Looking beyond powerlessness to examine where we can build willpower, Power and Control - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), Accept-Cope-Adapt - An approach for dealing with life struggles, Pet Appreciation - Discussing how animals can help us cope, Positive Self Statement Coping Collection, Use Your Brain and Not Your Pain - Another simple but effective strategy for coping with challenging emotions. To Control or Not to ControlIs that the Question? if you gave them enough time and practice? EXAMPLE - "I feel like if I tried to be more outgoing I would have more friends. Autism awareness project connects kids and the trains they love 4. LCADC), Co-Occurring Disorders/Coexisting Mental Health Issues - (See also Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions), COD - Co Occurring Disorders - An older outline about COD's and addiction, Coexisting Mental Heath Issues - A checklist for starting to look at mental health, Two Way Coping Strategies for Substance Use and Mental Health Issues, Conflict Resolution (Look under "Relationships"). Find all group material on Taking the Escalator Website - http://www.takingtheescalator.com/ YouTube The Grind Part 19- Gradual Acceptance Gradual Acceptance - VIDEO INTRO LINK "Accept the things you cannot change" and "Radical Acceptance" are phrases based on some well-know takingtheescalator.blogspot.com Memories: A Sci-Fi Icebreaker Adventure Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction. PsychCreatives | 12-Sided Coping/Recovery Dice This page contains regular updates with brief group therapy modules, discussion points, icebreakers, . Have some fun answering questions as a group using this random question generator website -. READ: To Control or Not to ControlIs that the Question? You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. that was difficult at the time but you are now better for it. As an icebreaker discussion: Everyone in the group should give their thoughts on this scenario:If you could unite the world to agree to work together on one goal or project,what would you choose and why? Make sure you are fully utilizing all of the free resources on. What was the BEST job you ever had and why? Self-Care Activities Group Ideas Basics Topic: Coping Skills, Substance Use, Recovery Supplies Needed: 12 Sided Dice Template, Scissors, Glue or Tape, Markers or Drawing Utensil Prep Time: Some Prep Activity: Written/Expressive Age Range: Any Age 12-Sided Recovery Dice We will be creating a 12-sided dice. Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction.