Afterwards, there's a notice board for you to read. Approach the soldiers for a puzzle battle. The Scytheman will take 2 damage on the enemy's turn. He has 27 strength and 5 armour which means that you need to be able to inflict 32 damage to make this possible. Play your final Arbalest next to the other two and inflict 3 HP damage on the Alghoul. The Dao will destroy all units on the field but will be destroyed by the deathwish actions of the two infantry. After your victory, answer Caldwell how you please. Settle the argument between Reynard and Gascon as you see fit. You'll notice that Elven Archer units can damage one of your units every turn and Elven Swordmaster units can eliminate any damaged allied unit each turn. You'll receive a new weapon for Meve. But it says here that letting Murko keep the treasure gives you 5000 gold later on, but where exactly? You'll kill any cows remaining in the enemy ranged row but there will be at least one cow remaining in the other row. Use the Wagenburg to destroy the Vampires. It's OK but the lengthy cooldown limits its usefulness. For reasons that I won't reveal here, you may not want to keep her after this chapter so I suggest that you roleplay these. The 25 HP Elemental will set fire to your ranged row, reducing it to 12 HP. You will also have to worry about the Elven Archer/Swordmaster combination. You will also see a new unit, the Emissary, played on your side. You can obtain 500G at the cost of army morale. The other will trade you lots of wood for not too much gold. Send the girl home: random gold reward, lose morale. Your goal is to arrange the stones on the far side of the board such that they are a mirror image of the stones on your side. However, spending gold gets you more wood. Unlock the nearby fast travel point and grab any nearby loot that you may still be feeling the need to obtain before going into the inn courtyard. If it's on the melee row, the stongest will be attacked. The commander will send a fair amount of damage your way which you can use to power up Eyck and Isbel. Otherwise, you will lose a few recruits retrieving the loot. Bekker's Dark Mirror is kinda useless since the weakest unit is likely to be a Harpy's Egg. The Alghoul will consume the Nekker to its right and grow to 17 strength. Continue forward for a scene with Keltullis the dragon. Still not as good as the Lyrian Horn and you got that back in chapter 1! This can be awesome or can suck, unlike the Flail which is always good. As always, the way to deal with them is to kill weaker enemies. The commander has the same annoying command ability as the last Scoia'tael battle. You will have a scene as you near the sign post. Afterwards, go west along the northern path gathering loot along the way. Since they are added to your hand, this can be OK in conjunction with Alchemists (preferably promoted) and maybe Bekker's Dark Mirror. Ignore the large gate, which is locked, and go south picking up some additional loot on the way until you come to a village inhabited by drowners. Only talk to the man standing by the windmill if your morale is not green. Unfortunately, Gabor has a head start with Gascon requiring 25 swigs to finish his ale compared to Gabor's 22. There are a couple of loot piles to the north. Return to the crossroads and take the path leading northwest and make a note of the shrine. You will then have to choose whether to punish one of your soldiers who has killed a civilian in an argument. Play a Slinger in your melee row and attack the Rot Tossers leaving them with 1 HP each. Continue into the town of Harmelen. The enemy commander has an ability that strengthens every unit he deploys by 2. That's actually kinda rubbish in the grand scheme of things. WATCH THE TRAILER. This is a point of no return so deploy scouts to check that there are no resources this side of the castle gates that you haven't collected. After that, just wait until you have the ability to do 20 damage in a single round. Unlock the fast travel point. Note that you are unable to play a given trinket a third time even if you have two Blacksmith units in your hand. This is a standard battle. You have an optional goal of overpowering your enemy within 5 turns. There are a couple of pieces of loot that are inaccessible from your current location so don't worry about them for the moment. After 3 turns, destroy that unit. There is an enemy boss, the Glustyworp whom you may want to target. Or not since you probably have no need of resources. Speak to the crow next to the stone bridge and pay 1G to receive a treasure map. Bekker's Dark Mirror (Trinket)Damage the highest unit on the battlefield by up to 15 and boost the lowest unit by the amount damaged. Return to the merchant and go south from him to get onto the top of the stone bridge. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Place an Onager on one of your rows and use it to damage one of the Drones by 6. That can really mount up. If Rayla is in your army, you will find out that she has murdered the prisoners along the way. You have space for another trinket (even though you don't have a second one yet) and by upgrading the Royal Tent, you can add slots for an additional two. When you come to a fork in the road, go north. Afterwards, you'll find a letter amongst the loot and if you talk to the woman here three times, she will give you a treasure map. If an enemy is moved onto it (e.g. Play another Arbalest on your ranged row and attack the fifth corpse along clearing the row. There's nothing special about this battle. Here's a partial solution: Subsequent turns depend on luck. If you took the freed slaves under your wing at the start of the chapter, they will leave you, giving you a Bone Talisman as a parting gift. Ideally, you will do this before they get to your rows and duel your units. Go behind the building and look near a tree for a dig point that reveals the final golden chest for this chapter (10/10). Move Gascon one space down and two spaces right and use Misdirection on the guard in the second row. Assuming you've promoted your Arbalests, their loyal ability can help as well. It only has 5 health and 2 armour so two Drowners will leave you perilously close to defeat. Pick your way past more burning buildings and make your way into the remains of an army camp. If they do summon a blitz unit, they will summon another unit as well. Your goal is to guide Knickers to the end of the cave while picking up all the soup and wine along the way. You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Go south to find another abandoned village. There are three loot piles to grab. Return to Gatberg and leave through the eastern exit. Unlock the fast travel point and examine the elven ruins nearby. Cross the bridge and head southeast. Examine the wrecked cart and choose to take the abandoned goods for 250G and a card fragment. Use the Slinger to move the remaining Water Hag one row up. Just make sure that you have space in the receiving row. Ignore all other enemy units. Otherwise, the request is rebuffed in a manner that invites a robust response of your own. Its 250 HP makes that problematic. The rules are different to what you're used to. You can choose to recover the possessions of drowned villagers to receive 100G and 500 wood at a cost of 8 recruits. Again, the unit seems to be bugged in that if you kill the last enemy, the game forces you to damage your own forces. This ability works well with Regiment Drummer units since it enables you to choose which card they summon. This will cause the enemy to use up all his forces before reinforcements arrive. Alchemist + (Human, Field Support)Gains 4 power and its deployment ability becomes an order ability. If you allow them to join you, you will gain resources later. All rights reserved. The turn after playing them, you can either use your cards to duel your opponent's cards or to damage your opponent directly by their power. Return east and go into the village of Crumhorne. Black Blood (Trinket)Damage all enemies by 1 and boost an ally by the damage dealt. You have two units with 5 strength in your melee row along with a Decoy with 8. Meve is on the melee row surrounded by eight palisades. Use the other Fortitude Tonic and end your turn. As you do, you'll see a campsite a short distance to the west. There are three loot piles to grab. Use the Drummer's ability to summon another Drummer and lay it next to the existing one. Return the way you came and when you cross the bridge, head southeast through the swamp. You will win the battle if he manages to get next to the exit. Approach the bridge leading to the cemetery for a scene. All three enemy units will power themselves up such that the two Ghouls on the ranged row have 21 HP and the Alghoul 24. Assuming you didn't, collect the loot that they've graciously left lying out in the open. When battling monsters, Eyck can damage an enemy unit by his current power. Once they start appearing you need either to be able to eliminate enemy units completely or just focus on building up points on your side of the board. Continue across the bridge and unlock the nearby fast travel point. Leave through the gate in the south and pick up some wood. It also means that she cannot be targeted by your units so that you cannot use the Adept to create two more Adepts. If you damage him on your turn, he moves one square left. After the battle, you can choose to destroy the hawkers' weapons or you can equip your army with them. This is because of their Loyal ability which adds 5 to their unit strength whenever Meve uses a command ability. This is an excellent command ability and I suggest you equip it right away. There are two new reports to read and you may want to take a moment to review and rearrange your forces. Place the Pitfall Trap on the enemy melee row. Weaken your enemy and strengthen yourself? This is a standard battle. Meve: Warhammer (Weapon)Every 3 turns: move a card to the top of the deck and strengthen it by 3; trigger all allies' loyal abilities. Every three turns, the tail destroys the leftmost enemy on the melee row. This is a battle that is hard to lose. If you want a platinum trophy, you're going to have show your merciful side, I'm afraid. If you give the enemy a few turns to get both rows full (for example, deploy Rayla then Xavier then use the Decoy card on Xavier and deploy Xavier again), you can really go to town on wrecking his units. Approach the necrophages at the end for another battle. The location of the treasure is just to the north of the camp close to the water's edge. Lyrian Pathfinders are useful because the enemy uses Biting Frost. Return the way you came past the locked gate and follow the path west through the broken wall. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Once the escape route is revealed, the goal is simply to have more points on the board than the enemy after three phases. Choose to ask House Obert for help. Now head north, picking up a loot pile on the way.